Maxpine Moringa Elixir

Moringa Elixir is a bottle of the naturally available moringa oleifera that is produced at a high grade of purity based on modern nutrition principles utilizing latest scientific procedures.

Top notch ingredients of the highest quality are selected carefully for the extraction process such as moringa oleifera, seabuckthorn, Acari berry, 75 plant derived minerals, 22 types of fruit and vegetable extracts and many other ingredients that are high in nutritional content.

Moringa elixir is supposed to guide you to a healthy life with more vitality and vigor than ever before.

6 Benefits of Mornings Elixir – superb health in a bottle:
1) It is filled with many anti-oxidants.
2) It has the ability to prevent many diseases and infections.
3) Medicinal properties.
4) Increases vitality, refreshes and gets rid of fatigue.
5) Works as a supplementary nutrition as well.
6) Purifies blood and acts as a natural dialysis machine.

Moringa Oleifera – The Miracle Tree – Enjoys Global Acclaim

Moringa is popular globally as more than 150 international organizations support its medicinal value and nutritional content.

From the WHO – World Health organization to the Peace Corps – World
Peace Organization to the UNICEF, everyone’s talking about moringa oleifera’s natural health properties.

It’s being called the universal natural health miracle plant with good reason.
There’s a saying that claims that moringa leaves can prevent more than
300 diseases!

It has been proved through research and studies that the leaves of this healing plant are rich in nutrients which have disease-preventing and immunity-enhancing abilities.

In fact, moringa medical research has even been awarded a Nobel Prize! World Bank has been responsible for funding about 750 scientists to study the medicinal features of this healing plant.

A Canadian scientist Michael Lea made a few interesting observations in his test report:
1) Moringa tree is one of the most useful trees in the world.
2) Water purification tests done on moringa seeds reveal great results especially in severe turbid water and can be seen in an hour or two.
3) Bacterial content was reduced to 90% and that hugely enhances water portability.
4) From resisting drought to a fertile soil to rich, nutrition-edible oil – moringa seeds affect everything positively.

Taiwan research institute performed evaluated tests on about 500 people for 6 months and found that half the people tested showed significant improvements in all sorts of skin diseases.

From eczema and osteoporosis to rheumatoid arthritis to insomnia, indigestion, brown spots and freckles to many more ailments – moringa elixir positively affected all these people with health issues and made them better and healthier.

Why Should You Believe in the Healing Prowess of Moringa Oleifera?

Good health, vitality, high energy levels, reduced weight and many more health advantages could be yours if you were to believe in its seemingly miraculous powers.

Don’t believe me?

Think of this fact – where in the world do the healthiest people reside?

How many people live up to a 100 years of age and more importantly, where?

If you answered Asia or the East, you hit the jackpot!

People in the eastern countries of Asia seem to enjoy a healthier life and live longer than their western counterparts.

And this is not just an innocent coincidence!

These people who enjoy a fuller, richer life than others do not hold a secret to youth or anything bizarre like that!

They just eat well and rely on traditional, natural cures that are easily found on God’s green earth and can be had as easily by you or me.

The Asians in the east use moringa for nearly all their needs – from using its various components for medicine to food to using it as a supplement for any kind of ailment or problem they might have.

Wouldn’t you like to have the same benefits?

Wouldn’t you like to not feel stressed or so harried every day?

Maybe you’re having sleeping issues or skin problems?

How would you like to go for quick and healthy weight loss without drugs or intensive exercise?

All your health issues can be resolved with the super health powers in the moringa oleifera tree.

Moringa Oleifera & Various Ailments that Affect Your Body

Here is a list of diseases that moringa can be used for healing - easily and naturally.

You can use many parts of moringa for the following ailments:
1) ‘tired blood’ or Anemia
2) arthritis and joint pain including rheumatism
3) diabetes
4) various types of cancer
5) headaches of all sorts – from jaw-numbing migraines to excruciating
cluster headaches.
6) intestinal spasms
7) heart issues
8) constipation
9) stomach problems – from tummy ache to intestinal ulcers and more
10) kidney stones
11) hypertension
12) thyroid disorders – both hypo and hyper thyroids
13) all sorts of fungal, viral and parasitic infections.

Need a Natural Aphrodisiac? Use Moringa Elixir!

Besides the above listed diseases, moringa can also help you with increasing your sex drive as it acts as an effective and natural aphrodisiac.

Forget about buying expensive and mostly useless and somewhat harmful pills and capsules that do more harm with their long-term side-effects than good and grab moringa when you’re feeling frisky!

For Fabulous Skin, Turn to Moringa Elixir!

Moringa oleifera is also pretty good as a skincare product as well.

Whether you use it as an astringent, or apply it directly to your skin as a germ-killer – it works effectively in both cases.

Plus, you can also use it to treat and heal skin conditions like athlete’s foot, dandruff, gum diseases (gingivitis), snake bites and even warts and wounds.

Properties & Features of the Moringa Tree
1) It tastes pungent and is non-toxic.
2) It contains 46 types of antioxidants and the ORAC – Oxygen Radical
Absorbance Capacity is 157000 times.
3) Moringa oleifera has 6 types of minerals – calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium and sulfur.
4) It also contains vitamins A, B, B1, B2, B3, B12, C and E, along with protein and fiber.
5) Moringa products also comprise of 20 types of amino acids; out of which, 8 types cannot be created by our body. Amino acids are required by our body for activation of cells and for enhancing our body’s immunity and for strengthening our sexual abilities.
6) This healing plant also comes with trace elements like Zinc, Copper, Iron, Manganese and Selenium.
7) There are 36 types of anti-inflammatory compounds present in the moringa elixir product.
8) It is also rich in Omega 3, 6 and 9.

What do you get if you take 100 grams of moringa oleifera leaves and consume them?

Let’s compare the nutritional content of moringa with other foods and see what we get:
The below lists follows this pattern – the nutritional content, then the food type and after that the number of times that nutrient is present in moringa oleifera leaves.

Vitamin C in Grapes – 10 times
Fiber in Wheat – 4 times
Protein in Egg – 3 times
Iron in Almond – 3 times
Vitamin E in Spinach – 3 times
Protein in Milk – 2 times
Iron in Spinach – 2 times
Vitamin C in Orange – 7 times
Potassium in Banana – 3 times
Vitamin A in Carrots – 4 times
Calcium in Milk – 4 times
Antioxidants in Red Wine – 8 times
Moringa Oleifera & Obesity – Can You Lose Weight With It?

Moringa has been discovered to be a fat-buster and a flab-fighter! The miracle plant has medicinal properties that tend to battle flab and reduce obesity.

The extensive amount of fiber in it cleans up your digestive system and kicks out all the waste in the intestines.

People with liver diseases have shown positive results when treated with moringa elixir in careful scientific studies.

Once the liver is in good shape, it can emulsify your body fats and increase your body’s metabolic rate which causes speedy digestion.

Moringa elixir also works as an appetite suppressant and can curb your snack cravings as well.

Moringa Juice Recipe for Weight Loss and Luminous Skin

Moringa oleifera is produced in many forms today like tea, juice, capsules and powders for skin problems.

But you can avail yourself of its myriad benefits by consuming it in a juice form.

Just extract the juice from the leaves of this miraculous plant and mix in some lemon and honey and drink up.

Take this concoction for a month for maximum results and rapid weight loss.

People who drank this health drink swear by it and claim to have lost more than 11 pounds in a month!

You can even use the extracted juice on your problematic skin areas and clear up acne and other skin disorders effectively and naturally.

Moringa Elixir – Top Ingredients & Their Health-Enhancing Properties

Apart from being a natural dialysis machine and the king of blood purifier, a single bottle of moringa elixir holds as many as 75 plant derived minerals.

Their molecule size is 7000 times smaller than that of the red blood cells’.

This elixir is made with parts of moringa, Acai berry, seabuckthorn and 22 kinds of fruits and vegetables, along with the plant derived minerals.

Let’s discuss the properties of the main ingredients of the moringa elixir and see how they benefit your body:

1) Acai Berry – Native to Central and South America, this world-popular fruit is a recently discovered superfood that mainly grows in swamps and floodplains.
This superfood is also known as the ‘fruit of life’ and is rich in anthocyanins, flavonoids and polyphenols.
It’s also rich in essential fatty acids, amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins and consists of omega 6 and 9.
The acai berry fruits are said to be the world’s best fighters of free radicals – the harmful ageing effects causing compounds in our body.
Since it has the most abundant antioxidants, it is claimed to destroy cancer cells with its antioxidant enzymes.
This superfood has also been said to boost immunity and is considered a perfect supplement for a long life and healthy living.

2) Seabuckthorn – containing flavonoids, minerals, vitamins C and E, seabuckthorn is a part of the diet of cosmonauts in Russia.
It causes cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases to cease their damage and prevents and controls them.
It also improves blood circulation, reduces blood viscosity, regulates blood pressure and is anti-free radicals.
Seabuckthorn has strong anti-oxidation features which make it perfect for boosting your immune system and making the body disease-free and devoid of free radicals.
It also helps combat effects of chemotherapy and is anti-inflammatory and improves digestion, along with preventing skin aging and improving sleep and memory.

3) 22 Kinds of Fruits & Vegetables Extract – some of those fruits and vegetables would be black currant, strawberry, apple, olives, onions, papaya, raspberry, pineapple, red and white grapes and many more.

4) Plant Derived 75 Minerals – when your body has less minerals and trace minerals, it is more prone to infections and various diseases.
Plant minerals have a higher absorption rate than rock ones as they naturally carry an electric negative charge which makes it easier to adhere to the walls of your intestines.
Since their molecule size is 7000 times smaller than that of a red blood cell, these aid in promoting absorption easily.
Plant minerals also inhibit free radicals and enhance the immune system activity.

Moringa elixir is beneficial to your body – however way you see it.
The Indians and Asians have used it for centuries for a reason – and that is its healing powers and zero side-effects.
If good health could come in a bottle and could be ordered online, it would definitely be called Moringa Elixir.