Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Moringa Elixir 瓶中的钻石/ 瓶中钻 ♥

Bottle of Health, A Fountain of Life!
A Toast To Your Health!
A precious gift of goodness from Mother Nature.

Moringa Elixir is produced based on balanced, diverse and moderate nutrition principles using latest scientific extraction method to reach highest grade and purity. Special care is given to the selection of high quality ingredients such as Moringa, seabuckthorn, acai berry, plant derived 75 minerals, 22 kinds of fruits and vegetable extracts and other nutritional and functional ingredients. We now introduce it to the world, it its many benefits let our Moringa Elixir guide you to a healthier and more meaningful life!

-A variety of medicinal and disease prevention benefits
-Refreshes, relieves fatigue, enhances vitality
-Supplementary nutrition

瓶中的钻石/ 瓶中钻



瓶中的钻石 基於平衡,多样,适度的营养原则及利用生物科技萃取,经科学合理的配比及通过品级鉴定等多道工序精制而成。特别用心甄选优质辣木,沙棘,巴西莓,植物提取矿物质,22种水果及蔬菜提取物等营养功能性成分,引介到世界各地,让每个珍惜健康可贵的人们,都可以分享到它所带来的种种好处。让瓶中钻,陪着健康闪闪发亮, 闪烁人生。

  1. 抗氧化剂
  2. 多种药用价值,预防疾病
  3. 提神醒脑,缓解疲劳,提升生命活力
  4. 补充营

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